Zigbee, GSM based Data Logging
Wireless accelerometer data-logging via XBee, MATLAB, and ArduinoWireless data-logging is an important requirement for several systems. This video demonstrates how to use MATLAB to collect data from a 3-axis accelerometer using wireless Xbee communication. The accelerometer is connected to the Arduino UNO board that also houses a XBee Series 1 (2.4 Ghz, IEEE 802.15.4) radio that is interfaced using an XBee Explorer USB and XBee Shield for Arduino UNO. Another XBee Series 1 (2.4 Ghz, IEEE 802.15.4) is connected to a computer that runs MATLAB using the XBee Explorer USB. Using this configuration, MATLAB can be used to collect readings of the 3-axis accelerometer serially via the wireless communication link.
GSM Enabled Text Messaging (SMS) based Temperature Sensor Data LoggingGSM is a well-estabilished technology that has provided unprecedented mobility and connectivity across the world. Short Messaging Service (SMS) or Text Messaging is an effective methodology to communicate limited amounts of data. In this video, we demonstrate how to use a GSM/GPRS modem to Text Message (SMS) temperature sensor data in real-time. The GSM modem used in this video is the SM5100B that is connected to the Arduino UNO board. The UNO board also logs real-time temperature data from the TI TMP 102 temperature sensor. Using this configuration, one is able to successfully send text messages (SMS) with real-time temperature data to a mobile phone.